a Letter an Ex and Opal

a Letter an Ex and Opal

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“An engaging read about a woman who finds her identity after ending a long relationship.
Filled with romance and humor, each page will leave you wanting to read the next.”

– Nicole Garber, Author of The Coming Apart Series

Lucy has finally freed herself from a disappointing marriage. She’s more than ready to make a fresh start and to discover just who she really is. An unexpected letter arrives, opening the door to opportunity and adventure. This could be just the chance Lucy’s been waiting for. But conflicts arise, and she finds herself pulled in many different directions. Lucy needs to find work and build a new life for herself. She also feels compelled to forge a relationship with Opal, the enigmatic grandmother she hasn’t seen since she was a child. The strong willed Opal is determined to connect with Lucy while there’s still time. Will Opal reach Lucy and manage to pass on her mysterious legacy before it’s too late? Lucy’s journey has many twists and turns as she falls in love, attempts to find a new career, and mends a deep family rift.

